
The Eulogy by Great Marja and Interpreter of Quran Hazrat Ayatullah Al Uzma “Nasir Makarim Shirazi “(May Allah increase his life span)
The great researcher and scholar “Late Mir Hamid Hussain Hindi” was a noble and a great propagator and Mujahid of spreading the Knowledge of Ahlul Bayt (AS) of his time. In his blessed life of 60 years he has left behind, in relation with Ahlul Bayt (AS) a great sign of himself.
Abqat ul Anwar his one of his great knowledgeable work. It is such a comprehensive book written on the topic of Wilayat from different Islamic sources especially from Ahle Sunnat‘s famous and well known sources that before and after him there is no one who has written such a comprehensive and vast book on the topic of Wilayat. He was an extremely hard working a Scholar and researcher. He was constantly day and night involved in writing. He wrote so excessively that his right hand fingers gave up, he continued writing with his left hand till the end of his life. His knowledge was vast, memory strong and methodology of research unique. The great libraries of India were well within his reach and he took complete advantage of this bounty of Allah and took the responsibility of writing ABAQAT .He completed his work in 10 volumes. When this great work of him was published and reached Najaf, the great scholars of the time like Mirza Shirazi and Shaikh Zainul Abedeen Mazandarani and other great scholars of the time wrote absolute important Eulogy on his work and praised his work. To the effect that likes of great religious scholars like Shaikh Abbas Hindi sherwani wrote a special book in the name of Sawateh anwar fi taqrezzat Abaqat Anwar .In these books it is mentioned that within a year of publication of this blessed book a number of people accepted Maktab-e-Ahlul Bayt.
Due to the vastness and comprehensive of this book it was not possible for all the levels of the people to derive benefit from this book, therefore Some of the researcher were of the opinion that the summary of this great book must be published in this regard the name of Ayatullah Milani (may Allah increase his life span) emerged out. He wrote Nafhatul Azhar fi khulasatul Abaqt ul Anwar in 19 volumes.
Abaqat ‘s language is mixed Persian and Arabic naturally for Urdu speaking people it was not possible for them to take full advantage from Abaqat as it should be. Hence respected Hujjat ul Islam janab Shujaat Hindi translated it in Urdu which resulted in benefit of Muslims of Indian subcontinent. This translation work is gaining momentum and the first work has been published in Urdu. This publication will become a cause of happiness for the lovers of Ahlul Bayt. We hope that the Urdu speaking people will study this book especially the youths will be inclined for its study. May Allah tabaraka wa taala accept his services and consider ourselves as the servant of khandan-e- Risalat.
Qum Houzeh Ilmiya
Nasir Makarim Shirazi
Moharram 1422.
Eulogy By: Teacher of Islam and Translator of Tafseer Al Mizan “Allameh Sayed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi (RA)”.
Founder: Bilal Muslim Mission Tanzania
Shah Abdul Aziz Dehlavi wrote his book Tuhfeh¬ Isna Ashariya opened the door for discussion and debate amongst the Muslims of Indian subcontinent. Tuhfeh was published in 1204 AH (1780-1790) and was immediately spead. Maulvi Aslam Madrasi (d.1272 AH, 1755-1756 AD) translated it into Arabic and son of Nawab Ali Mohammed walajah sent it to Middle East countries. A short summary was published in Egypt. Sir Sayed Ahmed Khan Aligarh translated the 10th and 12th chapter of Tuhfeh into Urdu and published in the name of Taufeh Hasan in the year 1260 AH (1844 AD)
The refutation of Tuhfeh was written in the year 1206 AH. (1792 AD) just within two years of its publication by fourth Martyr Mirza Mohammed Kamil Kashmiri Dehlavi, Nazhayah Isna ashriyah in 12 volumes. Every chapter was refutation of one chapter of Tuhfeh. The first, third, fourth, fifth and ninth volume are already published, the whereabouts of other volumes are not known. Mirza Mohammed kamil was poisoned by the relatives of the second Akbar Shah in 1235 AH. (1819 to 1820 AD)
According to Kashf ul Hujub The refutation of the First and second chapter of Theft was by Mirza Mohammed Akbari Nishapuri (Marytdom:1233AH, 1817-1818AD) in the name of Saif Maslool.Because there were voices raised from Sunni quarters that Tuhfeh Isna ashari is still not answered therefore it will be very beneficial to quote some of the books written as answer to Tuhfeh.
1- The answers of the First chapter of Tuhfeh (The beginning of Shia Faith and its branches)
A-Saif Maslool (Mirza Mohammed Akhbari Nishapuri)
B-Nazhiyah Asna ashriya (Mirza Mohammed Kamil) First Volume Printed in Lucknow.
C- al-Sayf al-nasiri (Mufti Mohammed Quli) I am aware about two hand written copies out of which one is in my personal library Kitab Khan-e- Riyaze Maarif.
2- The answers of the second chapter of Tuhfeh (The beliefs of Shias)
A-Saif Maslool (Mirza Mohammed Akhbari Nishapuri)
B- Taqlid al-¬maka’id (Mufti Mohammed Quli) Printed in Delhi
3- The answers of the third chapter of Tuhfeh (Shia Ulema and their books)
A- Nazhiyah Asna ashriya (Mirza Mohammed Kamil) Volume 3, the hand written copy of this is available in India Office Library in Delhi Persian collection. Now the India Office library is amalgamated with British Library.
4- The answers of the fourth chapter of Tuhfeh (Shia Ahadith and their narrators)
A-Nazhiyah Asna ashriya (Mirza Mohammed Kamil) Fourth Volume Printed in Ludhiana (1279 AH, 1862-1863AD)
5- The answers of the fifth chapter of Tuhfeh (Ilahiyat)
A-Nazhiyah Asna ashriya (Mirza Mohammed Kamil) Volume 5
B-Swarim ul Ilahiyah (Sayed Dildar Ali Gufran Maab) printed in Calcutta (1218 AH, 1803-04 AD)
6- The answers of the Sixth chapter of Tuhfeh (Nabuwaat)
A-Hasam-ul-Islam (Sayed Dildar Ali Gufran Maab) printed in Calcutta (1218 AH, 1803-04)
7- The answers of the Seventh chapter of Tuhfeh (Imamat)
A-Risaleh Gaibat (Sayed Dildar Ali Gufran Maab) printed in Calcutta (1218 AH, 1803-04 AD)
B- Al-¬Bawariq al-¬mubiqah (Sultan ul Ulema Sayed Mohammed bin Gufran Maab)
C-Al-Jawahir al-Abqariyyah (Mufti Sayed Mohammed Abbas Sushtari) Printed in Lucknow( 1271 AH, 1854-55 AD)
D- Burhan al-¬sa’adah (Mufti Mohammed Quli ) Hand written copy Reza Library Rampur
E-Abqat-ul Anwar (Mir Sayed Hamid Hussain Musavi) A detailed discussion of this book will come later.
8- The answers of the Eight chapter of Tuhfeh (Maad)
A-Ahya-ul Sunnat (Sayed Dildar Ali Gufran Maab) printed in Calcutta and Ludhiana(1281 AH, 1864-1865)
9- The answers of the Ninth chapter of Tuhfeh (Masail Fiqh)
A-Nazhiyah Asna ashriya (Mirza Mohammed Kamil) Hand written copy Reza Library Rampur
B- Mahajjat al-¬Burhan (Sayed Jafar Abu Ali) Hand written copy Reza Library Rampur
10- The answers of the Tenth chapter of Tuhfeh (Maataein)
A- Ta’n al-¬rimah (Sultanul Ulema Sayed Mohammed) Printed in Lucknow (1238 AH, 1822-23 AD)
B- Tashyid al-¬mata’in li kashf al-¬dagha’in (Mufti Mohammed Quli) Volume 1 pages 1910, Volume 2 pages 442 printed Ludhiana (1283 AH, 1866-67 AD) Recently it has been offset printed in Qum
C- Baarqah Zaigamiyah Dar Mouzih Muta( Sultan ul Ulema Sayed Mohammed)
D- Taksir al-¬sanamayn (Sayed Jafar Abu Ali)
11- The answers of the Eleventh chapter of Tuhfeh (Characteristic of Shia Faith)
A- Masari’ al-¬afham li qal’ al-awham. (Mufti Mohammed Quli) Hand written copy: Nasariyah library Lucknow
12- The answers of the Twelfth chapter of Tuhfeh (Tawalla wa Tabarra)
A-Zulfikar (Sayed Dildar Ali Gufran Maab) printed in Ludhiana (1281 AH, 1864-65 AD)
B-Tardul Manadeen ( Sultan ul Ulema Sayed Mohammed)
Tauhfa was written in Persian therefore these answers were also in Persian. Famous Adeeb Mirza Mohammed Hadi Ruswa (d. 1250 AH, 1931-32 AD) answered Tuhfeh in Urdu in 15 volumes in the name Tuhfeh Sunnah which according to the report of Matlaeh Anwari is available in the library of Madrast ul Waizeen.